Well, look at this - since I was so depressed over the loss of my old mixer I apparently never posted the last post I wrote. Clearly I have no longer just graduated culinary school - I've in fact worked a variety of jobs since then. I'd still like to brag on myself just a little though so the old draft post is below.
Since I just completed culinary school, I am heavy with pictures of final projects and the like. This post is basically going to be some pictures of things I did as part of my studies.
Chocolate Showpiece - Abstract Flowers in Rocks |
Boxed Candy Line |
Croquembouche |
Sugar Showpiece - Tea Service |
Display Cake - Inspired by Kandinsky's Concentric Circles Paintings |
Kandinsky's Concentric Circles |
I want to know more about these things. I don't know what they are from the pics alone. And some (croquembouche?) I've never even heard of.